si vous pouviez m'aider a les trouver svp
cannon fodder
chuck rock 2
double dragon 3
dynamite headdy
exo squad
fatal fury
gaiares (jap)
mega turrican
mortal kombat 3 ultimate
musha aleste (JAP)
mystic defender
rocket knight adventures
rolo to the rescue
sword of vermillion
thunderforce 2
true lies
toki going ape spit
vapor trail (US)
verytex (JAP)
wonderboy in monster land
xenon 2 : megablast
cannon fodder
chuck rock 2
double dragon 3
dynamite headdy
exo squad
fatal fury
gaiares (jap)
mega turrican
mortal kombat 3 ultimate
musha aleste (JAP)
mystic defender
rocket knight adventures
rolo to the rescue
sword of vermillion
thunderforce 2
true lies
toki going ape spit
vapor trail (US)
verytex (JAP)
wonderboy in monster land
xenon 2 : megablast
Dernière édition par grand_barbare le Dim 9 Jan - 9:34, édité 3 fois